All Abby wants to do lately is walk. She wouldn't go to bed the other night because she wanted to walk, walk, and walk some more. It's really cute. By the end of the night though she looked like a drunk college student because she was so tired she could barely walk or stand. Here she is enjoying a stroll w/ Dad after dinner on Friday.She's got a tight grip on his finger. :)
This picture makes me wonder where my baby went?? I think she looks like such a toddler and not so much baby anymore. :( She is in a HUGE snuggle phase w/ me right now which most of the time I absolutely love. . .most of the time. :)
WOW--Uncle George is going to love how much Abigail adores her toothbrush and toothpaste. When we let her get a hold of the toothpaste she WON'T put it down. . .here she is carrying it around in her mouth so she can crawl.
And here she is with it in her mouth again. . .just cuz that's how she rolls. ???? I literally have to hide it from her and start doing something else to distract her or she gets REALLY mad and this girl loves her some yelling and tantrums from time to time lately :( which is AWESOME.
I can't believe Abs is 16 months old! Time flies when you're having fun.
5 years ago
She looks so old in some of those pictures!!!! She is totes out of the baby stage...where does the time go?!?!?!
We are sooo excited to have Abby spend a few days with us!! It will be fun to watch her walk all around!! We love you, Grammy and Grampy
What a cute post! I think Abby really looks like you in the shot with her PJs on. Such a cutie!
Cute baby. God bless you all.
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