Friday, October 14, 2011

34+ weeks

Well my 34 week pics were the last I got before Miss Abigail was born so I thought I better get some shots of Little Ty as well. I will actually be 35 weeks on Sunday. I keep thinking he is going to be born then since Abs was but he'll probably go a little longer. I am and have been much more comfortable w/ this pregnancy than I was with Abby but I have to admit that just this week I really started to feel waaaaaay pregers! With Abby I felt it all up high and couldn't breath but with Ty I feel pains low and sometimes feel like he is going to fall out or I am going to pee my pants. :) He is quite the mover but now that he is running out of room, the moving doesn't feel so great!! This last month is going to be interesting since I didn't experience it with Abigail. I actually NEED this last month to finalize things for Ty's arrival. We still have yet to get his room finished. :( I also need to wash up more of his clothes and get the sheets to the bassinet cleaned so we can move that into our room where he will sleep for at least a few months.
I was just looking at pictures of Abigail when she was born and I got all emotional--I'm definitely ready for another baby! My little girl is a stubborn poop head sometimes but gosh I love the heck out of her and can't wait to spread that love to her little brother. It's amazing how much your heart can swell with love for your family--I sometimes feel like mine is going to burst!!
Here are some belly shots Zach took for me last night at 34 weeks. The bottom two are me at 34 weeks w/ Abigail. I definitely think Ty is hanging lower than she was but for the most part the tum looks fairly similar. . .I think. 29 days til the scheduled C-Section--I know that time is going to fly!

I was going to add some pictures of our silly goose but there are sooo many that I love that I thought I'd just link you to my Kodak Gallery. Check out the most recent pics of our 23 month old. . . HERE


Beth said...

Kimberly, you look great! So fun seeing you Saturday. Cant wait to meet Ty soon!!

Malia said...

You look fab Kimberly! Enjoy this last month!