Thursday, November 10, 2011

Our 2 Year Old!

Our little baby girl turned 2 on Sunday!! I can't even believe it. We had a really nice birthday just the three (almost 4) of us. We went out to breakfast where Abby got to play w/ some other kids and toys, we walked around Target, had birthday cake and presents when she woke up from her nap and ended the day w/ a yummy dinner and play time at Redmond Town Center. Even though it was just our little fam, I still decorated like it was a big ol party and of course since Abs is infatuated w/ Elmo her party decor was Elmo! She loved it!!! She kept saying "Happy Day!" instead of "Happy Birthday" although by the next day she could say it all. It was soooo cute!I made the cake which isn't anything special--NO Amy cake, but it was perfect for her and I. We even got to eat right off the cake plate since no one else was here. :) Abigail loved the frosting and kept saying "cake", "cake". She was spoiled and got to have a little for breakfast the next day too. :) I mean, who doesn't want to have birthday cake for breakfast--I love it! :)

So, since Abs has turned 2 she has become quite the little hot shot. . .and sometimes terror. . .she definitely has her tantrums and has had to be put in time out a few times lately. :( Not my favorite thing to do and deal with, let me tell you. It is really exhausting to be a mama when your child is acting out. . .and then in a second, they turn and are complete angels again. Sheesh! Here is our hot shot shopping at the party store w/ sunglasses--seriously?? :)Abigail also thinks she is as small as her toys and will sit on or in everything. Here she is in her baby doll crib--my big giant baby!Our cutie-pa-tootie headed to Zach's bosses house to make apple cider. She was soooo excited because she wanted an "apple"--all she could say the whole way there. When we go grocery shopping I let her nibble on an apple so anytime we drive past Safeway she starts saying "apple". Any time we drive past Subway she starts saying "chips". My girl knows what she loves and doesn't forget a thing!Aunt Michelle got Abs these cute Elmo slippers. She makes me put them on every once in awhile too.Being goofy for Grandpa--boy does she love her Grandpa. . .and Grandma. They came to visit a few weeks ago and when she realized Grandpa was here too she started going crazy. I wish I had it on camera! It was so dang cute. I love hearing them play together. Our little entertainer, comedian loves to pretend like she just falls asleep. She especially likes to do this when we are trying to get her to do something. She thinks she is so funny. The little chair in the background was her birthday present from Grandma and Grandpa. It says her name on it and she loves to free fall backwards into it. Drives me nuts because she really has no fear and one of these days she is going to free fall into the ground!!! uggghhh I can't believe how much Abigail has grown even just in these past few months. Her vocabulary grows tons each day. She is so good w/ the alphabet and getting better and better w/ numbers too. She just amazes us more every day. Mama and Daddy love you little girl. . .even when you act like a pistol. :)


Amy said...

This post made me smile from ear to ear the whole time I was reading it, with a few lol's too. I love that little girl and am so thankful that i get to be are part of her life! I know she is at an exhausting age - you are doing such an amazing job being a perfect mommy for her, Kim!

Kora said...

Love all the cute! Glad you guys had a great party.

Becky K. said...

Happy Birthday Abby! I can't believe she is already 2. That went so fast! Her Elmo slippers photo is priceless!

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