Kyle and Amy invited us to join them at one of their time shares in Ocean Shores. . .I don't think I've been there since college so I was really excited to go back!! The condo was great w/ 3 bedrooms and a beautiful view of the ocean. We were so close to the beach and couldn't have asked for better weather! Abby, Sophia and Griffin were so excited to be with each other that the first night us adults were definitely ready for all of them to go to bed. :) The second night was much calmer. Zach made a yummy spaghetti dinner the first night--Abby LOVED it, can you tell???? Do these beautiful girls have blue eyes or what?
Abby is really into eating everything we eat especially fruit. Here she is diggin into a nectarine. I think she thought it was an apple at first but still totally enjoyed her snack. She likes to graze all day with a little buffet of snackies on the coffee table. :)
Abby's first day at the beach (aside from San Diego last September but she wasn't walking then). She really LOOOOOVED the water which was ICE COLD but she was a little unsure about the sand getting her dirty. She doesn't like stuff on her hands. . .such a prissy little girl. :) Sophia and Kyle also loved the water and stayed out in it much longer than any of us. Kyle even tried body surfing the second day when there was more sunshine--CRAZY!
Finally Abby decided it was okay to get dirty!
Miss Sophia modeling her beachwear. She has Abby's hat on since Abs doesn't really care to wear it and I don't really care either. Her hair is getting so blonde from the sun.
Griffin could have played in the sand the entire weekend. He loved it!!
More scooping. . .
The fam on the beach. . .in the sun--PERFECT! We even got a kite which Abigail loved. It's clipped to the basket and just overhead of us while we played.
More snacking--I thought this was hilarious because she is practically doing the splits.
It was a great weekend. Even though it can get a little overwhelming with all the kids together, I do love that they have so much fun together. Thank you Kyle and Amy for inviting us! We had a wonderful time.
On other news--I had a 26 week check up yesterday and everything looks good. I've gained about 21 pounds so far. Ty's heartrate was in the 140's and he had the hiccups. My next appointment is when I have to do the Glucose test--not my favorite thing to do but the lemon lime when cold isn't horrible. . .if I drink it real fast. :) I also scheduled 2 more appointments that will put me through my 34th week. . .which is the last appointment I had with Abigail since she was born at 35 weeks. So weird to think about. . .
Looks like you guys had fun...
Abs looks huge in that last pic - her legs actually look kind of long! heehee. It was fun and can't wait to do it again when we can enjoy the wine together! :o)
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