Thursday, March 15, 2012
4 months old today!
Posted by Kimberly at 8:45 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Today was a good day. . .
That is supposed to be sung/rapped. Gangsters Paradise I believe :). Hee hee
Anyways, another phone post--I've been trying really hard to keep Abby entertained w/ age appropriate activities lately such as a rice station, baking, well helping and then taste testing, and of course visiting Barnes and Noble and the library. She is sooo ready for preschool which we have a tour tomorrow and I am so excited to see how she reacts. Lately she has been so excited when other kids are around. "mommy, kids!". I love it.
Ty rocked his Johnny Jump Up for the first time today and loved it. He has his 4 month check up tomorrow as well. Can't wait to see how big he is. He also has been dealing with his first cold. . .doesn't hardly phase him which is great. A little snotty nose for a few days and I think he is already getting better-Yah!
Here are a few pics of my babes in action. I just love these little guys so much, epecially since they have been going to bed so much better lately! :)
Posted by Kimberly at 11:04 PM 4 comments
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Good times!
I have to admit that the past 4 months have seemed really crazy to me adjusting to life with two children especially when one of those children is a toddler but I think we are finally getting some structure and routine down which is helping. Bed time has been going a little better this past week and the tantrums aren't lasting quite as long. . .I'm working really hard at staying calm :) and consistent w/ how I deal w/ my sweet girl and it seems to be helping. These pics are in newest to oldest order but let's get rolling w/ what's been up at the Wyckoff home these past few weeks. . .
When Zach takes Abby to the grocery store she gets the special treat of riding in the car! She loves it. . .when she goes to the store w/ me I just give her whatever she wants to snack on in the cart--HA. . .that thing is just too big for me to push around.Not only is Abby driving the cart at the store but she also loves to drive our car in the driveway. She makes the car noises and really thinks she is cool. Again, this is something Dad introduced to her so now when we get home she tries to hop into the front seat for awhile before going inside.
Posted by Kimberly at 9:06 AM 1 comments
Friday, March 2, 2012
Abby's 1st trip to the library!
Yesterday I loaded up the kiddos and walked to our local library for storytime. I was a little worried about Abby sitting still to listen to the stories but I soon realized that wasn't going to be a problem. . . The stories were very interactive, the kids got to sing songs w/ hand gestures, they got to dance and wiggle and make a craft. Abby LOVED it and it made me excited for her to start preschool! I think she is really ready for that type of environment. When we were done I let Abs loose in the library. She was more interested in the puzzles, alphabet and of course, the computers than she was the books. We will definitely be going back!
(this was a post from my phone-kinda a test)
Posted by Kimberly at 7:16 AM 7 comments