Sunday, August 31, 2008

I'm goin to the chapel. . .

And we're gonna get married!

As many of you know, Zach and I have been making wedding plans for awhile now but we weren't officially engaged until now--It's official. We had plans to go to dinner on Friday night with a bunch of people to the Metroplitan Grill. Zach and I both love the water taxi from Alki to downtown so we took that instead of driving. I brought my camera because last time we were on it, I forgot it and you can get some amazing shots of the city. We went to the front of the boat to get a picture and as soon as we were done and I was looking at it to see if I liked it, I looked up and Zach had the ring and asked if I would marry him. I grabbed the ring and hugged him and said yes, of course and he had to tell me to please put the ring on because I got so excited I forgot to and he we was worried it would fall overboard. It's a beautiful oval shaped diamond solitaire--he knew I really wanted an oval (ever since working at Curt Berry Jewelers in high school). We still went to dinner but the group we were supposed to meet up with was actually at El Gaucho. . .another great steak house in Seattle. Ummm, I celebrated quite a bit with champagne, wine, a Cosmo (thanks Mom & Dad), beer and a shot (thanks Luke). Saturday was our Qwest Cougar Football game and getting up for that was quite difficult but when I got there Leah and Mike had a bottle of Vueve to celebrate with so once I started up again, the hangover went away--thank Goodness!

We're Engaged!!

The view from the water taxi

Us at dinner (look how big Zach's steak is!!)

The Ricshaw ride from our tailgate to the stadium!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


It's football season again and that means Joe is at two-a-days!! Last year Joe started the season as QB1 (1st string quarterback for North Thurston) but got hurt half way through the season so after lots of rehabilitation he is back!! I am so excited to see him play every Friday but also very nervous. He'll have a brace just like Kyle did his senior year. It will protect him but gah, I still don't want to see him get sacked. . .He made it into the paper so here are some pics and a link to the article--it's great and Kyle even made it to print. HA


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Busy, Busy

I had an action packed weekend but it was all great! I love that it was so hot, well except for when I was sitting at breakfast on Sunday morning and pretty much sliding off the leather booth in my own sweat. Ick. :) Anyways, the weekend started with Zach and I having dinner and drinks down on Alki. It was fun, lots of people watching. We came home and played music real loud (his dad was gone so it was okay) and danced around in the kitchen. He has some great music downloaded on his computer and it links right into our tv/stereo system which is perfect. Then on Saturday I had a family reunion at my Aunt and Uncle's in Tumwater. They have a pool so we got to lay out and swim around in the 90 degree heat. Sophia was there and making me a nervous wreck because she doesn't want to wear a life jacket and wants to walk right into the pool like its hard ground. We had to be on her at all times. She was so dang cute though. Her new thing is doing "nastics" (gymnastics) since watching the Olympics. When the reunion was over some of us kids went back to mom and dads to sit around their fire pit and make smores. We got eaten alive by mosquitoes so unfortunately did not stay out too long. Then Kora, Marisa and Joe came back up to my house with me and spent the night. It was a Hussey sleepover! We woke up bright and early on Sunday to help Kora move out of her apartment in Seattle and down to Olympia!! She finally made the move. She'll live with my parents til the end of August and then she moves into a cute little 2 bedroom home near Olympia high school. She gets to work from home so she still has her job with Worktank which is great and now she is finally near Nick. It's all coming together for her. :) I will miss having her up here since we have been the "aunties" living in Seattle together but she will come up once a week and so we'll probably plan on doing dinner together those nights. I'll already see her this Thursday. :) Sunday night I met Lorissa up at Newcastle Golf Course for dinner and drinks and I finally met Zach's sister, Jessica who works there. I was a little nervous to meet her but once she walked by and I asked if she was Jessica and then introduced myself the ice was broken and we chatted for quite a while. She is adorable. She's much younger than Zach so she's sorta like his Joe. :) I don't have any pictures to go with this post so this is it. Hope everyone has a great week.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Family Vaca etc. etc.

Last weekend we had "Vaca All I Ever Wanted" with my family in Eastern Washington. I didn't get very many pics but here are a few cute ones. It was a great time. .. we made awesome steaks, mashed potatoes, salad and beans on night one, had yummy enchiladas from Ris on night two and went out to din on night 3. Lots of Cranium which meant LOTS of laughs. Wish I would have gotten pics of us playing that because I think we laughed our way through it every time we played. I was on the winning team each time. :) This weekend Zach and I went to UW Picture Day. ..I know my Coug friends are cringing. . .I agreed to go only because I love the excitement of football season starting and everyone being so excited about their teams. . .if the Cougs were here and had Picture Day I know Zach would have joined me as well. Joe and Janice stopped by today which was fun. I got to show them around West Seattle and the things Zach and I love about living over here. Another great summer weekend.

The Desert Canyon Fire Truck. . .hmmn a pick-up truck? Weird????

Zach & Joe playin some golf-I think Joe creamed him. :)

Just hangin out on the deck. ..Ris, Shells, Joe enjoying the summer sun!

Sophes & Zach just takin a pit break for lunch-YUM

Jake Locker at Picture Day, so it's not my team but Heeellloooo Jake. :)