Thursday, July 1, 2010

He made my heart melt. . .

So for the last week or so little Miss Abigail REALLY wants to be entertained and held pretty much ALL day--mama cannot take this! I am worn out by the end of the day trying to keep her happy while also working and doing the day to day housework. Of course, I would love to play with Abs all day if I could but I can't--just isn't possible. She doesn't cry real hard or anything, just has this annoying little whimper/whine that I can handle for a little bit and then I feel bad and have to make her laugh or pick her up. I'd try to have her sit on my lap while I work but she reaches for everything now so that doesn't work either. Today I had a Pilate's class at 6:15pm and was waiting for Zach to get home so I could race out and as I was trying to get dressed Abby was doing the whimper/whine like why do I have to sit here?? I made her a bottle and started to feed it to her and then realized I needed to grab a burp cloth so the milk didn't drain out on my work out clothes and when I went back to feeding her she didn't want anything to do with it. I mean, c'mon--I had the bottle in her mouth for like a second and she seemed into it but it just wasn't going to happen the second time around so I got to pull up my layers of work out clothes and tight sports bra to try and breastfeed the little poop head all while I am irritated because I should be in the car on my way to class and Zach was running late. He gets home and I basically hand off Abigail and run out. As I look back Zach says "Oh looks like someone peed" and I was really confused as I saw Abby's pant legs all wet--realized it wasn't her pee, it was Zach's sweat from working out! Totally gross but oh well. I felt horrible that I was so frustrated and almost skipped class since I was running late but knew I really needed "ME" time badly. I am soooo glad I went. Class was great and when I got home my wonderful husband and beautiful daughter were standing at the top of the stairs waiting for me. Abby was bathed--thank God since she had Z's sweat all over her. :) Zach had dinner cooking and a glass of wine poured, raspberries cleaned and in a bowl for me to nibble on and a Safeway chocolate chunk cookie for me to eat for dessert since he knows they are my weakness right now. On top of that he bought me a Washington Hills BOX of wine to leave in the fridge. That's right--box...don't judge til you try it and seriously--how convenient?!?! Anyways, the babe is asleep and all is good. I am so thankful for my husband. He knows when I need that extra bit of lovin and tonight was one of those nights. As a mom I did have to shed a tear on my way home for letting myself get so aggravated when my daughter is the cutest, happiest most perfect baby anyone could ask for. She's just going through that "clingy" stage right now. I'm sure I'm not the only mom who has felt this way. I did have to go to the Baby Boutique at the hospital and purchase an ErgoBaby Carrier so if Abby does indeed NEED to be held all day I can put her in that in the front, on my hip or in the back and it is so supportive that my body can handle it. It's great--much better than a Bjorn because there is more support so not as much strain on the shoulders. Anyway, I'm rambling but just had to give a shout out to my hubby for being such a great help. Thank you hon. I love you and Abigail to the moon and back and with that I am going to sip on my glass of wine and relax. . .and get to the kitchen clean up tomorrow morning. :) Good night everyone.


Cate said...

What a man! You are definitely not the only one that has felt that way. Kids are precious but also very hard work. Zach did great!

Leah said...

Teared me up too!

Anonymous said...

Paragraphs! :)

Amy said...

Sounds like Zach is good at reading you - and that is awesome! Babies do get frustrating - then you feel guilty - then you feel sad - then you are all lovey again. What a cycle! :O)

Malia said...

I hear ya! :) Trying to get a full day's work in with a little one at home can be soooo stressful. Once Abs starts crawling you might find it least until she starts walking! :) Glad you got some "me" time in.