Our first family vacation. . .or as we like to now call them--trip. "Vacation" is a lot different than it used to be--no sun bathing by the pool ALL day while sipping on fruity drinks, that's for sure. It was a blast none the less but I didn't get a tan and I was actually ready to come home to our regular schedule.
Here's the girls getting ready for take off! We were really glad Dad was there to help for this plane ride.We were hoping to get lucky enough to have a whole row to ourselves but that was short lived. She did good on the plane but was a bit squirmy so I'm just glad the ride wasn't any longer. :)
An evening on Coronado Island. We had a yummy Italian dinner! Zach was so excited to be back and show his girls around.
Abby loved that we all got to share a room on this 5 night vacation. She was quite the goofball. Now that we are at home though she has been having little tantrums (some video posts to follow soon) so I think she got used to having us both around with her 24/7. Hmmn. . .
Dad and Abs snugging on the bed after a HOT day at Sea World.
We thought it was really funny to get shots of Abby sleeping on all of our excursions. Here we are at the zoo. . .which we really enjoyed. Abby loved the turtles and the monkeys. She did wake up for most of it. :)
We found a cougar! GO COUGS!
Nice little kitty eating a HUGE bone and piece of meat.
First time in the sand! Coronado Beach--it was absolutely beautiful.
First time dipping her toes in the ocean--it was a little cold but she seemed to like it. . .I on the other hand, needed to get out as my toes were freezing!
The whole fam enjoying the gorgeous weather and surroundings. I can't wait to build sand castles with my babes!
We got tickets to the Padres game. It was so much fun and they won! Abby did fall asleep for most of this since it was a night game but we had a great spot to watch so we could keep her in her stroller no problem.
Our short trip to Sea World. They are looking at the penguins--we loved this exhibit because it was inside and air conditioned.
Our last night on vacation we walked the waterfront and got to sit outside for dinner. There were some cute shops and lots of people watching. Beautiful sunset.
A week long vacation can poop a person out!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
San Diego Vacation. . .
Posted by Kimberly at 5:12 PM 5 comments
Monday, September 20, 2010
Random pics. . .
Abigail looks so big in her crib in this picture. Zach didn't realize she was laying sideways and he said "oh my gosh, Abby is too big for her crib!" HA Ahhh, the giant baby!These girls don't really look like they like each other very much. . .
The Happy Family. . .well for a little longer. . .glad this picture was taken BEFORE the game. :) Love you hon.
Another day at the pool. Abby was real tired for class this Sunday but still did a great job. Here she is floating on her back with Daddy.
All the children would sit on the edge of this floaty and the parents would "POP goes the weasel" them up into the air. I love Abby's face and I love Z's tan line and nice shot of his muscles. :)
Just a few random pics to hopefully make you smile.
Posted by Kimberly at 9:09 PM 6 comments
Friday, September 17, 2010
We've got a scooter. . .
Abigail can scoot backwards VERY quickly--this is where I found her and I had just stepped out of her room for a second to grab something. She also had fibers from her red rug in her mouth--disgusting. . .and kind of hard to get out! Apparently Abby thought it was food. This little girl is sooo close to crawling but can already get around so fast by scooting backwards and rolling. I really have to keep my eye on her. She had a big girl lunch today too--butter toast, deli turkey and strawberry! She loves finger food.
She sorta wanted to cry when she got in this spot until I pulled my camera out--then she was all smiles. Total ham.
Posted by Kimberly at 4:03 PM 3 comments
Thursday, September 16, 2010
For you cat lovers. . .
Last night Abby and I joined Annie, Kora, Tanya and Gwen at Annie's for dinner. Abby had a fantastic time playing with Annie's big cat Brutus. We all had a fantastic time watching Abby get such a kick out of Brutus. These videos seriously make me laugh so hard every time and I couldn't pick just one to post because they are all funny--even if they pretty much are the same thing. Enjoy. . .and save as a favorite for when you're having a bad day because these are sure to crack a smile and brighten a day anytime.
Posted by Kimberly at 8:58 AM 3 comments
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Wow--what a weekend. . .
As adults you look so forward to the weekends to veg and have fun. As 10 month olds I think you look forward to Mondays when you are back into your normal routine which probably equals vegging and having fun. Poor Abby had such a busy weekend starting with a night with a baby sitter on Friday. Zach and I had a couples massage so our neighbor came over to watch Abby--it was the first time we have left her with anyone aside from family!! Well, we did leave her with Lorissa at the hotel while we were at a wedding but I kept popping in to check on her so this was the REAL first time. She did great! Thanks again Carol. :) Then she had her first Husky tailgate of the season. Look how cute our babe looked in her Husky dress. She had so much fun but decided to skip her nap for the afternoon and then stayed up late because we ended the day with a party/shower for Mike and Laura to celebrate their Baby Girl. Abby actually went to the game for a bit with me but we left early and I walked with her in the backpack back to Z's car where the stroller was so we could then walk to my car. . .come to find out my keys were in the diaper bag INSIDE Z's car. :( I had to walk all the way back to the stadium, up the ramp to the top deck to get his keys all with Abby on my back. I was so mad and irritated with myself. . .I mean, I couldn't even blame Zach for this one--it was all my mistake. So now I'm tired and sorta just want to go home but really want to give my congrats to Mike and Laura so still go to the shower. . .get there and realize Abby has pooped her pants. I'm thinking no big deal, I'll get in and change her and we're good, her poos aren't' too bad anymore. . .WRONG--I bust into the party and go to change Abs only to find sh*t all over her and ME. I brought a change of clothes for her but not myself so I had to pull a sweatshirt on and get a glass of wine stat! LOOOOONG DAY. The things you experience as a mom. WOW
Posted by Kimberly at 9:02 PM 6 comments
Friday, September 10, 2010
Swagger Wagon
I love the Sienna Mini Van commercials on TV right now and noticed that they always say to check out the fam online so Zach found this video and shared it with me. There are so many more--you could watch them for a long time and they are all funny. I have to say, if we ever decided to get a mini van I'd have to go with this one! Enjoy
Posted by Kimberly at 10:25 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Double digits
WOW! Abigail Kristine is 10 months old--I can't even believe it! Now, all I can think about is her 1st birthday party. I've already found the invitations and have the cake and decorations figured out so now we're on the hunt for the perfect outfit. :)
Milestones--So our little 10 month old is finally eating solids. . .well kinda--she has NO teeth still so the solids are pretty much baby food, teething biscuits, toast. . .anything soft and mushy. Abs is so close to crawling, she can perch on all fours but tends to scoot backwards instead of forwards. She is also getting very close to figuring out how to pull herself up--clearly a stage I need to get prepared for!! I haven't baby proofed anything. She still loves bath time but is infatuated with her shadow and reaching for things so she practically wants to stand the entire time in the bath. . .my back just kills by the end because I have to pretty much hold her the entire time. Our little girl is a chatty Cathy at times, a quiet observer other times and sometimes a total squealer. It's hilarious. She smiles all the time--big wide mouth smiles. . .I know her poor cheeks have to hurt by the end of the day. Abs is starting swim lessons this Sunday with her Daddy so we had to make sure her swim suite still fit. Thankfully I got a 12-18 month so it does and looks so cute on her--look at the butt ruffles.
Posted by Kimberly at 2:30 PM 5 comments
Friday, September 3, 2010
Dancin to their own tune...
Just had to post this. No music but lots of dancing. Love how the video ends with Sophia jumping in the air. These kids danced their booties off! I keep looking at my pictures of the wedding--they all just make me smile.
Posted by Kimberly at 9:12 PM 1 comments
Andrew Manning Yasenak has arrived!
This is the picture Leah sent me from her phone to announce that her bundle of joy had arrived. Isn't he precious? I now know how Leah felt being so far away from me when Abby was born. . .I couldn't concentrate yesterday and just kept wanting to talk to her and hear all about everything. I wish I was there with her and Mike--soon enough, soon enough!! I still haven't talked to her because she was so tired yesterday but we plan on getting some talking time in today before her parents arrive and I can't wait. I'm so proud of my BFFAE and so excited we'll be doing this mommyhood thing together. Check out Leah's blog, she's already posted from the hospital. Love it. Congrats Leah and Mike--your bouncing baby boy is absolutely beautiful.
Posted by Kimberly at 8:59 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Little Miss. . .
Abigail is growing up so fast. It's about that time to drop the mattress down a bit. I let her sit in her crib sometimes when she thinks she isn't going to take a nap. She plays for awhile and then usually lays down and falls asleep. From a sitting position she is getting pretty close to pulling herself up. She's such a ham for the camera. . .she just makes me smile.
Check out my new photo albums to the right of Kora's wedding and the month of August.
Posted by Kimberly at 4:48 PM 3 comments