Abigail is growing up so fast and her personality is hilarious. She loves to make people laugh and while she does it, she thinks she is quite funny always belting out a big laugh--the Hussey Honk for sure! She is walking and climbing everywhere keeping herself so busy. I am so thankful she plays so well by herself because on days like today when I was so busy with work she just kept going from one area to the next just playing with her toys and reading her books. I had to take her to Red Robin for being so good and when Daddy got home he played and played with her. She couldn't take it anymore and zonked in no time at all. She is saying more words all the time--Elbo has actually become Elmo, Woof Woof for Shasta has actually become Aaa-uhh. . .getting there. :) She can say Grandpa or more like Boppa which is adorable. I say a word or make a sound and try to have her repeat after me and she is getting soooo good at it. I'll go p, p, p, pig and she'll make the p sound just like me--I love it. :) So cute. She climbs on my back any time I am on the floor and she pretty much is at my heels all day long--mama, mom, ma. .HI! She's my little buddy that just lights up my life every day. . .even on the days that she doesn't want to sleep in her crib. :)
Here are a few pics from last weekend when the fam snuck over to Queen Anne on Friday afternoon for a late lunch, a walk and a trip to Kerry Park. It was a really fun afternoon with my loves.hmmnn, one of those nights that she didn't want to sleep in her bed so I brought her to ours. See that little sliver of a spot on the side of the bed--that's where I slept all night. Not my fave thing in the whole world but gosh she is so dang cute. I woke up once and she had flopped over closer to Zach and their heads were pretty much touching facing each other just sleepin away. It was so cute I wanted to get a pic and post but I knew Z would kill me. :)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
My 18, almost 19 month old. . .
Posted by Kimberly at 8:08 PM 4 comments
Sunday, May 15, 2011
13 weeks today!
We had an ultrasound last week and got a great pic of our little one. Reminds us of Abby already--huge upper body and tiny little leggers. HA He/She measured a few days ahead of the due date which made us laugh because when I was pregnant w/ Abigail the doc told me once that "she was growing generously" and it looks like this baby could follow in her footsteps. I think those little buggers just steal everything I put in my mouth, leaving me with hardly anything!! :) We have to wait til July 11th I believe for the next ultrasound which is when we will find out the sex--I can't wait!!! I really thought boy, boy, boy all along until about this week when I for some reason started thinking Abby was getting a little sister. . .we'll see. I am starting to feel better although I am sooooo tired all the time and my tum is already feeling big to me. I'm definitely popping out faster w/ this one. . .which is normal--just hope I don't end up getting any bigger than I was with Abby cuz by the end I felt soooo uncomfortable and huge and she was 5 weeks early. :)
Posted by Kimberly at 1:19 PM 4 comments
My big day!
Last weekend I had a big day to celebrate--Mothers' Day. . .and my, um, 35th birthday! I have to admit, I've had a tough time with 35. Don't get me wrong, I love my life right now but sometimes I find myself thinking--holy cow, where did my 20's go? Where is that crazy girl that loved to go out and have a good time. . .all the time. Where is that girl that responds to the question of "Kim, what do you want to drink?" as my brother heads up to the bar to order me something, with "oh, I'm not gonna drink much--just get me a pitcher of beer". Or that girl that orders the "vodka cran, light on the cran". I've substituted that with strawberry lemonade and getting into bed as soon as Abby does which is about 7pm!! Wow, life has really changed--all great changes though. . .a loving husband, a perfect baby girl, another baby on the way, a great job, a nice home. . .I mean I guess if I wasn't pregers I'd still be enjoying wine and would probably be in bed with a hangover right now from the wedding Zach and I went to last night--I mean, of course we still know how to have a good time even if we are getting old. hee hee Anyways, I still can't believe I'm a grown up. I used to always tell my mom that I didn't wanna grow up, I was a Toys R Us Kid. . .I guess I can still be that kid though even if I am a grown up. . .in fact that's probably why Abigail is such a silly, fun and loving child--her Dad and I are just big kids most of the time.
Okay, so here is part of the fam at Mother's Day Brunch. It turned out being a pretty day and we always love going out to the Olympia Country and Golf Club!The cousins always love to get together and play. It's so cute to watch them all interact. These cute green outfits were a present from Grammy and Boppa (Grandpa in Abigial's vocabulary)
The cute outfit mixed in w/ some play clothes. :)
My favorite birthday cake--cherry chip w/ pink frosting--lots of it! Wish I had some now!!
I just love this pic of me w/ my babe. Motherhood is the best thing ever. It was so special getting to celebrate both my birthday and Mother's Day all in one.
Posted by Kimberly at 12:54 PM 3 comments
Abby's first haircut--the video!
Well, I think I got the video to work so here ya go. My little babe gettin her first snip.
Posted by Kimberly at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Abby's first haircut!
This is a little overdue but a few weeks back Abby had her first haircut. We didn't do much, just a snip off the ends to get rid of the fine baby hairs. Hopefully this will help her hair to grow strong and long! I'm sooo hoping she has hair that grows so she can wear it long like her Mama used to--well and still does. :) I just can't wait for braids and piggies!
Here's a shot of the before. It is blowing in the wind so a little hard to tell what it really looked like.Getting ready for the first snip. . .
Posted by Kimberly at 12:01 PM 2 comments
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Last weekend was wonderful--we actually got sunshine both days! On Saturday Zach took Abby to the Husky Spring Game and then I met them at U Village to walk around and eat lunch. All the activity meant poor Abs didn't get a great nap in--she zonked as soon as we got in the car. .. like before I could even get out of the U Village parking lot. She had so much fun playing w/ the water fountains outside the Ram.
Sunday was May Day so of course Abby and I had to put together May Day baskets for our neighbors. We used soup cans for the vases and I think they turned out pretty dang cute. We knew that since Abigail loved the water fountains at U Village that she was going to love her new water/sand table. She played and played out here on Sunday and was soaked to the bone. Grammy and Grampy bought her an oilcloth apron to wear for next time--hopefully she won't get as wet!
Posted by Kimberly at 6:53 PM 6 comments