Abby had a busy day today which meant she didn't get a whole lot of good, quality naps in. She went to yoga, then practiced sitting up. . .Then pooed out the top of her diaper which meant an early bathtime. This really confused her because as soon as she was done with her bath and dressed in her jammies she started rooting around mama's chest area even though she had just eaten. Zach and I were making dinner for ourselves and when we sat down to eat. . .
She had had enough. She just couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. Check out the videos below. One is of her sitting for a sec. Every time she looked at the camera she flailed backwards and landed on the pillow behind her. I was a nervous wreck, hence the short video. The next vid is absolutely hilarious. . .poor Abs was just sooo tired.
5 years ago
So, funny. I had to watch it over and over again. I am trying to stay awake but, really I can not keep my eyes open.
Hahahaha!! LMAO! That video is too funny.
Geez, let the poor girl get in her bed! :)
Wow, I have seen that sleepy look on her mother's face SOOO many times!!
oh yah, Abs definitely inherited Narcolepsy from her mom and dad :) she totes gets it in the car!
LOVE IT!!! That girl loves her snoozing time :) Mamma just put her to bed. Avery is almost 3 and still does that every time we get in the car!
my favorite time of the day is sleepy time. smart girl!
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